Help Us Support the Nokota Horse

Thank you for visiting this page. The reason for this page is to inform you about a dire situation facing the Nokota herd living at the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. This herd made the park their home at the time shortly after the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. It was said that Theodore Roosevelt saw these horses on his ranch soon after the battle. When he saw them he knew that the Nokotas were from the battle because of the wounds that many of them had.

Today, as you read this, the park superintendent has ordered that there be a roundup to decrease the size of the herd. The people that do the roundup "run down" horses that they choose until they are to tired too run anymore.

What we are trying desperately to do is to achieve federal recognition of the Nokotas so they can live at the park in peace forever as living history.

We are creating a petition to send to politicians and NPS administrators who can influence these decisions. If you would like your name added to the list, please send us an email with your name, town, state and occupation? It would be greatly appreciated.

Click here:

Ron Panarelli
Little Blackhawk Stables
Harrisville, RI